
Driving Toward Destiny is a lively yet thoughtful page-turner that casts a journey of self-discovery against the backdrop of an epic motorcycle road trip.
Out of college, Jack Higgins sets out to find himself. It is 1972, so he faces the prospect of being drafted to Vietnam. Rejecting his parents’ societal and class constraints, he goes to Berlin, reads Hesse’s Siddartha, and interacts with some colorful, well-drawn individuals. while staying in a commune. He undertakes a privileged version of a vision quest.
Driving a new BMW bike from Berlin to Crete, and then Provence, our hero passes through vividly described scenery, meets an appealing cast of characters, mentors and lovers, and after the vicissitudes of long days on the road, he pauses to reflect on the answers to his existential questions.
Overall, Driving Toward Destiny is an engrossing and highly satisfying read.


An engaging story about Jack Higgin’s self-discovery. With Germany, Yugoslavia, Austria, Greece, Italy, and France providing the backdrop and detailed scenery, Jack hopes to find himself through real life experiences away from “the parents” and to become his own man.

This is Jack’s adventure and the cast of characters all of whom provide support on his quest to build a meaningful life on his own terms with a little Vietnam era nostalgia and motorcycle travel fantasy thrown in, it will hold your interest until the end – or beginning…?

Congratulations to Tim Scott on becoming a novelist!!!

Philip A. Eifert

Driving Toward Destiny is a satisfying read for a BMW rider of nearly the same age as the protagonist and having faced the VietNam draft. Great literature it is not, but that is no complaint. The linear story is satsifying.

M. Flynn

Driving Toward Destiny describes a journey of self-discovery in engaging and exciting fashion. Author Tim Scott sets the stage quickly, describing the angst of recent college grad Jack Higgins as he decides to travel to Europe to begin a trip of self-discovery, and the action jump-starts as Jack makes his way to Berlin. The pace doesn’t slow down — Jack encounters several interesting characters as he experiences life on the road and comes to terms with his expectations and goals for life. A very enjoyable read – I was pulled along with Jack and immersed in the journey.

Pete S.

I met the author Mr. Tim Scott at an event in my hometown. We struck up a conversation about his book. I was impressed that Tim followed his life long dream of becoming a writer even though he had a previous career. Tim told me of the great lengths he went to master his craft and his love for writing was apparent during our conversation.

Full disclosure: I just bought a copy of the book and intend on updating this review after I finish reading it but I wanted to provide some context about the author for other readers. I’m looking forward to this read and I’ll update this review again soon!

Judi Clark

Driving Toward Destiny: A Novel by Tim Scott is an engaging story about a young man at a crossroads in his life. Fresh out of college, Jack is frustrated with his life. The year is 1972 and unfortunately, the draft is happening, much to Jake’s dismay. He makes a life-changing decision, one that will change his life and his thinking. He moves to Berlin, stays with an old friend, and soon buys a motorcycle. When things go bad where he is staying, he takes to the road and finally experiences his life firsthand, the way that envisioned. This is a down-to-earth novel and shows how sometimes there needs to be a radical change in your life in order to fulfill your dreams. A solid read and recommended.


“Destiny Uncharted” by Tim Scott is an absolute masterpiece that captivated me from the very first page. This book is a gem in the world of literature, showcasing Scott’s unparalleled storytelling skills and his ability to weave intricate plot lines with compelling characters.

From the vivid descriptions of settings to the depth of emotions portrayed by the characters, Scott has created a world that feels incredibly real and immersive. The protagonist’s journey is both inspiring and relatable, making it easy for readers to connect with the story on a personal level.

What truly sets “Destiny Uncharted” apart is Scott’s impeccable writing style. Every sentence is crafted with precision, drawing readers deeper into the narrative with each turn of the page. The pacing is perfect, keeping the story moving at just the right speed to maintain suspense and intrigue until the very end.

Overall, “Destiny Uncharted” is a breathtaking novel that deserves every bit of praise it receives. I cannot recommend it highly enough to anyone looking for a truly unforgettable reading experience.

Michelle P

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